How to utilize Links and URLs in HTML5?

How to utilize Links and URLs in HTML5? HTML links connect one web resource to another. A link has two ends: the anchor and the direction. The link begins at the “source” anchor and ends at the “destination” anchor. Anchor tags provide a href property that specifies the destination URL. Links can point to external websites or different portions of the same page, increasing website interactivity. A hyperlink can be represented by an image or any other HTML element than text. By default, links show as follows in all browsers:

  • An unvisited link is underlined in blue.
  • A visited link is underlined in purple.
  • An active link is underlined in red.

Hyperlinks are among the most fascinating Web inventions. They have been present on the Web from its inception and are what distinguishes it. Hyperlinks enable us to connect documents to other documents or resources, access specific areas of documents, and make apps available at a web address. Almost any web content can be transformed into a link that, when clicked or activated, redirects the web browser to another web address (URL).

To establish a basic link, enclose the text or other material inside a <a> element and use the href property, also known as a Hypertext Reference, or target, which holds the site URL.

Exploring the Hyperlinks

Exploring hyperlinks entails clicking on links to get to new pages or resources. To find new websites and information, use search engines, social media profiles, online forums, recommendations, similar links on websites, link aggregators, and web directories. Links in HTML function by combining HTML code with the user’s web browser. The HTML code defines the hyperlink by supplying the URL of the destination webpage or resource, as well as the text that will appear as the link. The user’s web browser then utilizes this information to generate a clickable hyperlink that may be used to navigate to the desired webpage or resource.

The Target Attribute:

In HTML, the destination attribute is used with the <a> (anchor) element to designate where the linked content should open when clicked. It specifies the browser context under which the referenced page will be presented. The target attribute can take a variety of values, each serving a unique purpose:

  • _self: This is the default behavior. The linked document will open in the same frame or tab as the current one.
  • _blank: The referenced document will appear in a new window or tab.
  • _parent: If the current frame has a parent frame, the linked document will open in it.
  • _top: The linked document will open in the entire window.
  • Framename: The linked page will be shown in the chosen frame. You can target a specific frame by utilizing its name attribute.

Using the target feature, you may modify how linked documents are accessed, allowing for more flexible navigation behavior on your website. However, it is critical to utilize it sparingly, as opening new windows or tabs might degrade the user experience.

The ID Attribute:

The HTML id attribute specifies a unique id for an HTML element. An HTML page cannot have more than one element with the same id.
The id attribute assigns a unique id to an HTML element. The value of the id attribute must be unique throughout the HTML content. The id attribute refers to a specific style declaration in a style sheet. It is also used by JavaScript to access and manipulate elements with specific IDs. The syntax for id is to provide a hash character (#) followed by an id name. Define CSS properties within curly braces {}.

The id attribute defines a unique identification for an HTML element. It is widely used to reference a style in a style sheet, anchor links, and script targets. The id value is case-sensitive and must be unique within the HTML content.

This feature allows CSS and JavaScript (via the HTML DOM) to perform particular actions for the element with the supplied ID.
In CSS, you must use a hash (#) character followed by the element’s id to pick the element with the supplied id. It must have at least one character and must not have any whitespace (such as tabs or spaces).

Exploring the URL:

Exploring URLs requires understanding their basic components:

  • The scheme specifies the protocol (e.g., http, https).
  • Domain: The address of a website (such as
  • The path to a certain resource on the server.
  • Query String: Additional information for the server (e.g.,?key=value).
  • Fragment: Designates a specific section of the resource (e.g., #section1).

Analyzing these components can help you grasp how URLs function and how to access internet sites.

Structuring the URL:

Understanding the components of a URL and how they operate together to identify and locate a site on the internet is necessary for structuring it. Here’s a full analysis of the components of a URL.

  1. The scheme describes the protocol used to access the resource. Common protocols include http, https, ftp, mailto, and file. It’s followed by a colon and two forward slashes (://). For example: https://
  2. login and Password (Optional): Certain URLs require a login and password for authentication. This portion is followed by the @ symbol. Example: username:password@
  3. Domain: The domain (or host) identifies the server hosting the resource. It can be a domain name (e.g., or an IP address (e.g., Example:
  4. Port (Optional): The port number indicates which port on the server the client should connect to. It starts with a colon (:). Default ports (such as 80 for HTTP and 443 for HTTPS) are frequently neglected. Example::8080
  5. The path indicates a specific resource on the server. It could be a file or directory path. Example: /path/to/resource.
  6. Query String (Optional): This string contains additional data that will be sent to the server as part of the request. It is preceded by a question mark (?) and contains key-value pairs separated by ampersands (&). For Example: ?key1=value1&key2=value2
  7. Fragment (optional): The fragment identifies a specific section of the material. It is prefixed by a hash (#). Example: #section1.
  8. Host: The host part of a URL refers to the server that hosts the resource. It could be a domain name ( or an IP address ( The host is usually preceded by the scheme (e.g., https://), followed by an optional port number and path. Example:
  9. File Name: The file name in a URL relates to the exact file or resource being accessed from the server. It is often part of the URL’s path component. Example:
  10. Anchor: An anchor in a URL specifies a precise location within a page. It is preceded by a hash (#) and is commonly used to link to specific areas of a web page. Example:

Each component of the URL serves a distinct purpose in identifying and locating an internet resource. Understanding these components might help you accurately generate URLs and handle them in your online apps.

filerefers to a file on the local PC
ftprefers to a file on the ftp server
httprefers to a file on the World Wide Web server
gopherrefers to a file on the gopher server
mailtorefers to an electronic mail address
newsrefers to a usenet newsgroup
telnetrefers to a telnet connection
waisrefers to a file on Wide Area Information Servers (WAIS)
Table 1 – Scheme and Access Points
Encoding the URL:

Encoding a URL entails translating special characters into a format that can be delivered securely over the internet. This guarantees that the URL is accurately understood by browsers and servers. Here’s a full explanation of URL encoding:

Reserved Characters:

Certain characters in URLs have specific meanings and must be encoded if not used for their intended purpose. These characters include:

  • : (colon)
  • / (slash)
  • ? (question mark)
  • # (hash)
  • [ (left bracket)
  • ] (right bracket)
  • @ (at sign)

Unsafe Characters:

Some characters are deemed unsafe because they could be misconstrued by browsers or servers. The following characters are also encoded:

  • (space)
  • ” (double quote)
  • % (percent sign)
  • < (less than)
  • (greater than)
  • \ (backslash)
  • ^ (caret)
  • | (pipe)
  • { (left brace)
  • } (right brace)


URL encoding substitutes each unsafe or reserved character with a percent sign (%) followed by two hexadecimal digits indicating the character’s ASCII value. For example, the space character (ASCII value 32) is encoded as %20.

Encoding Function:

To encode a URL component in JavaScript, use the encodeURIComponent() function. For example:

This would encode the URL as “”.


To decode a URL-encoded text, call the decodeURIComponent() function. This function reverses the encoding process and converts the string back to its original format.

URL encoding is a critical procedure for successfully transferring URLs over the internet, especially when dealing with URLs containing special characters or spaces.

?question mark%3F
@at sign%40
=equal sign%3D
<less than sign%3C
>greater than sign%3E
quotdouble quote%22
#hash symbol%23
{left curly brace%7B
}right curly brace%7D
|vertical bar%7C
[left square bracket%5B
]right square bracket%5D
`back single quote%60
Table 2 – Special Character with Descriptions and Encoding
Exploring the Newsgroup and Mail System

Newsgroups and email systems are both useful communication tools on the Internet, but they perform different functions and have distinct properties. Here’s a detailed look at each:


  • Newsgroups, or Usenet groups, are discussion forums on specific themes where users can publish messages and engage in discussions.
  • Newsgroups are organized into topic-based hierarchies. Each newsgroup is named for its topic (for example, for debates about Java programming).
  • Users can browse newsgroups via newsreader software or internet services that enable Usenet access.
  • Users can publish messages to a newsgroup by typing a message in their newsreader and sending it to the newsgroup’s server.
  • Messages uploaded to newsgroups are archived, allowing users to revisit previous conversations.
  • Moderation: Some newsgroups are moderated, which means that messages are reviewed before they are posted to ensure they adhere to the group’s criteria.

Email System:

  • Email is a technique for sending and receiving messages via the Internet. It is commonly utilized for interpersonal and professional communication.
  • Structure: Email addresses are made up of a username and a domain name.
  • Users can access their email via email client software (such as Outlook or Gmail) or webmail interfaces supplied by email service providers.
  • Sending Email: To send an email, a user composes a message in their email client, enters the recipient’s email address, then sends it.
  • Receiving Email: Email messages are delivered to the recipient’s email server and can be accessed via their email client.
  • Attachments: Email allows users to send files (such as documents and photos) as attachments.
  • Folders and Filters: Many email program provide capabilities for organizing emails into folders and setting up filters to automatically handle incoming messages.

In essence, newsgroups are topic-based discussion forums that may be accessed by newsreader software or internet services. They allow users to participate in discussions on a variety of topics. Email, on the other hand, is a system for sending and receiving messages over the internet that is commonly accessed via email client software or webmail interfaces. It is used for both personal and professional communication.

Exploring Link Relations

In HTML, link relations specify the relationship between the current document and linked resources, such as other documents or stylesheets. The rel attribute is used to specify link relations in the <link> or <a> (anchor) elements. Here’s a detailed examination of link relations:

rel Attribute in <link> Element:

  • The <link> element connects external resources to an HTML document, such as stylesheets (rel=”stylesheet”), icons (rel=”icon”), or alternate versions of the document (rel=”alternate”).
  • Example: <link rel=”stylesheet” href=”styles.css”>

Common rel Values for <link> Element:

  • stylesheet: Specifies that the linked resource is a stylesheet.
  • icon: Designates a favicon for the document.
  • Alternate: Indicates a different version of the document, such as a translated or print-friendly version.
  • Preload: Indicates that the resource should be preloaded for better performance.

rel Attribute in <a> Element:

  • To construct hyperlinks in HTML, utilize the <a> element. The rel attribute indicates the relationship between the current document and the linked document or resource.
  • Example: <a href=”” rel=”noopener”> Link </a>

Common rel Values for <a> Element:

  • noopener: Indicates that the linked document should not have access to the opening window, hence reducing security concerns.
  • noreferrer: This specifies that no referrer information should be provided when accessing the linked document, which can increase privacy.
  • Nofollow: Tells search engines not to follow the link, which can be used to keep PageRank from being passed to the connected website.

Link Relations for SEO:

  • Canonical: Specifies a document’s canonical URL, which is the preferable URL for search engine indexing.
  • Prev and next: Indicate pagination links for a sequence of documents, allowing search engines to comprehend the relationship between pages.

Other Link Relations:

  • Author: Indicates who wrote the document.
  • The license indicates the license under which the document is delivered.
  • help: Specifies a help document for the current document.
  • Using suitable rel values in your HTML links can help enhance your website’s accessibility, performance, and search engine optimization (SEO).

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