How to Use Document Objects in javascript? In JavaScript, the Document Object serves as a developer’s interface for interacting with and modifying the web page that has been loaded in the browser. A programming interface called the Document Object Model (DOM) contains it, and it lets scripts change a document’s look, content, and organization. Developers may access and change elements in the HTML, like content, styles, additions, and deletions, as well as how the element reacts to user input, by utilizing the Document Object. Common methods like querySelector(), getElementsByClassName(), and getElementById() are available to pick particular elements. The document’s metadata can also be accessed through attributes like document.title and document.URL. Developing dynamic and interactive web apps requires understanding and proficiency with the Document object.
Describing the Document Object:
In JavaScript, the Document Object Model (DOM) is made up of the Document Object. It acts as the HTML document’s root node, giving programmers the ability to interact with and alter the page’s content programmatically and presenting an organized view of the page. The Document Object provides many properties, events, and methods to access, update, and modify the document’s elements and structure. Key features and capabilities of the document object include:
- Accessing Elements: Developers can choose and work with particular elements within the page using methods like querySelector(), getElementById(), getElementsByClassName(), and getElementsByTagName().
- Content Modification: The document’s content can be dynamically changed by using properties like innerHTML, textContent, and methods like createElement(), appendChild(), and removeChild(). This allows for the insertion, deletion, and construction of new elements.
- Manipulating characteristics: You can control the characteristics of HTML elements by using methods like setAttribute(), getAttribute(), and removeAttribute().
- Handling Events: Using methods like addEventListener(), the Document Object enables developers to connect event listeners to elements, making it easier to create interactive and responsive web pages that respond to user input like clicks, keystrokes, and form submissions.
- Document Metadata: Access to different elements of document metadata is provided by properties such as document.title, document.URL, document.domain, and document.referrer.
- Getting Around the DOM: Developers can navigate and work with the document’s hierarchical structure using properties like document.body, document.head, and document.documentElement as well as methods like parentNode, childNodes, firstChild, and lastChild.
- Creating and Modifying Styles: Developers can dynamically alter the document’s presentation and layout by utilizing methods like getComputedStyle() or by gaining access to the style attribute of elements.
In conclusion, web developers use the Document Object as a crucial tool to design dynamic, interactive, and responsive online applications since it is a strong interface that offers complete control over the layout and content of a web page.
Exploring Document Object Collections:
Several collections in the Document Object offer an easy way to access groups of similar components in the HTML document:
- All the <img> elements in the document are contained in document.images, and all the <form> elements are contained in document.forms.
- Every <a> element with a href property is contained in document.links.
- All <script> elements are contained in document.scripts, and all <a> elements with a name attribute are contained in document.anchors.
Collection | Description | Syntax |
anchors | refers to an array that holds all of an HTML document’s anchor objects. The anchor objects saved in the array are arranged according to their appearance in the source code. | document.anchors[] |
forms | refers to an array that holds all of an HTML document’s form objects. | document.forms[] |
images | refers to describing an array that contains all of an HTML document’s picture objects. | document.images[] |
links | refers to an array that holds all of a document’s link objects. | document.links[] |
It is now simple for developers to work with particular sets of elements thanks to these deposits, which also make it easier to organize and change linked document sections.
Exploring Document Object Properties:
Several important characteristics of the JavaScript Document Object offer useful data and functionality for web development:
- document.title: This is the name of the document that appears in the title bar or tab of the browser.
- document.URL: Provides the current document’s whole URL.
- document.domain: This specifies the server’s domain name that loaded the document.
- document.referrer: Provides the URL of the previous document that had a link to this one.
- document.cookie: Provides access to the document’s related cookies.
- document.body: Identifies the document’s element.
- document.head: Identifies the document’s element.
- document.documentElement: Usually, the element represents the document’s root element.
- document.readyState: Denotes the document’s loading status (e.g., “loading,” “interactive,” “complete”).
- document.charset: Indicates the document’s character encoding.
Properties | Description |
cookie | provides a report containing every cookie that is connected to the document that is visible and has not expired. |
domain | returns the server’s domain name where the document was originally hosted. |
lastModified | gives back the most recent modification date of the file. |
documentMode | provides the mode that the browser was using to process the page. |
readyState | gives back the document’s loading state. |
referrer | provides the URL for every document that is mentioned in an HTML document. |
title | The name of the HTML document defined between the TITLE element’s beginning and ending tags is returned. |
URL | comes back with the HTML document’s whole URL. |
These characteristics improve the capacity to develop dynamic and responsive web pages by giving important information about the document and permitting different interactions.
Exploring Document Object Methods:
JavaScript’s Document Object provides many crucial methods for interacting with and modifying a webpage’s content and structure, including:
- selects an element using its distinct id attribute (getElementById(id)).
- return a set of elements with the given class name when you run getElementsByClassName(className).
- getElementsByTagName(tagName): Provides a list of elements that match the given tag name.
- The first element that matches a given CSS selector is returned by querySelector(selector).
- querySelectorAll(selector): Provides a static NodeList containing every element that matches the supplied CSS selector.
- createElement(tagName): This function adds a new element with the given tag.
- createTextNode(text): This function generates a new text node with the given text.
- appendChild(newNode): Appends a new child node as the final child to an element.
- removeChild(node): Retrieves an element’s child node.
- addEventListener(type, listener): This function adds an event handler to an element for the given event type.
Methods | Description | Syntax |
open | displays the output by opening an HTML document. |, replace) |
close | shuts down an HTML file. | document.close() |
write | adds JavaScript code or HTML expressions to an HTML document. | document.write(exp1, exp2, …) |
writein | inserts a new line character following each JavaScript or HTML expression. | document.writeIn(exp1, exp2, …) |
getElementById | gives back the HTML document’s initial element’s reference for the given id. | document.getElementById(id) |
getElementsByName | gives back the element’s reference with the given name. | document.getElementByName(name) |
getElementsByTagName | gives back every element that has the given tagname. | document.getElementByTagName(tagname) |
These techniques enable the building of dynamic and interactive web applications by giving users strong capabilities for accessing, creating, altering, and responding to parts within the HTML document.
Exploring Cookies:
JavaScript cookies are little data files that a user’s web browser stores on their computer while they view a website. They assist in keeping stateful information across different pages and visits, boosting the user experience by remembering user-specific settings and data. Here is a quick rundown of how to use cookies and some of their frequently used features:
- Creating/Setting a Cookie: This establishes a cookie called username with the value JohnDoe, a path defining its scope, and an expiration date.
- Reading a Cookie: This returns, as a single string, all of the cookies connected to the active document.
- Modifying a Cookie: To make changes to a cookie, re-set its name and value. The previous value will be replaced.
- Delete a Cookie: This essentially deletes the cookie by setting its expiration date to a previous date.
Commonly Used Cookie Attributes:
- expires: Defines the cookie’s expiration date. The cookie is a session cookie that is removed when the browser is closed if it is not set.
- path: Specifies the URL path that needs to be present in the requested URL for the browser to transmit the cookie header, defining the scope of the cookie.
- domain: Indicates the domain that is covered by the cookie. Defaults to the domain of the document containing the script if it is not set.
- secure: Denotes that only secure protocols, like HTTPS, should be used to send the cookie.
- HttpOnly: This indicates that the cookie is protected from client-side scripts by being accessible only via the HTTP protocol.
These characteristics give users authority over the behavior and reach of cookies, which makes them an effective tool for controlling user data and state in online applications.
Creating and Storing Cookies:
- Using the document.cookie attribute, creating and saving cookies in JavaScript is a simple operation. A string with the name, value, and optional characteristics is assigned to document.cookie to generate a cookie. Consider a document.The configuration cookie = “username=JohnDoe; expires=Fri, 31 Dec 2024 23:59:59 GMT; path=/” creates a username cookie with the value JohnDoe, an expiration date of December 31, 2024, and a path attribute that allows the cookie to be viewed across the domain. If the expires attribute is left unset, the cookie will be a session cookie that is removed when the browser is closed. This attribute sets the expiration date of the cookie.
- Accessing the document allows you to read cookies.cookie attribute, which yields a string with every cookie for the active domain. The format for this string is a list of name=value pairs separated by semicolons. This text needs to be parsed to retrieve a specific cookie. One popular technique is to first divide the string into separate cookies, and then further divide each cookie into its value and name components.
- A cookie can be modified by setting it again with the same name, updated properties, and a new value. For instance, you can use a document to set the username cookie to JaneDoe.cookie with the value “username=JaneDoe; expires=Fri, 31 Dec 2024 23:59:59 GMT; path=/”.
- A cookie can be deleted by changing its expiration date to a previous date. For example, by changing the expiration date to January 1, 1970, document.cookie = “username=; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT; path=/” effectively deletes the username cookie.
- Other features supported by cookies include secure, which guarantees the cookie is only sent over secure HTTPS connections, and domain, which indicates the domain the cookie is valid for. By reducing the possibility of cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks, the HttpOnly property improves security by rendering the cookie unavailable to JavaScript.
- Developers may provide a more customized and uniform user experience across many sessions and pages by storing and managing user-specific data, including preferences, authentication tokens, and session information, using cookies. Having this skill is crucial for creating engaging and interactive web applications.
Reading Cookies:
In JavaScript, reading cookies requires document access.cookie attribute, which gives back a single string with every cookie associated with the active domain. Each cookie is represented by a list of name=value pairs separated by semicolons in this string. You must parse this string into separate cookies and then further divide each cookie into its name and value components to obtain a specific cookie. To split the string into an array of cookies, for instance, use the split(“;”) technique. Then, iterate through this array and split each cookie’s value and name separately using a different split operation. By comparing the names, you may use this to locate and extract the value of a particular cookie. Through this procedure, developers can have access to stored information that can be utilized to improve and customize the user experience on a website, such as session data, authentication tokens, and user preferences.
- Accessing Cookies: To access all cookies in a single string, use the document.cookie property. For instance, document.cookie would return “username=JohnDoe; theme=dark” if you had two cookies set to username=JohnDoe and theme=dark.
- Parsing Cookies: You must divide this string into separate cookie strings to locate a particular cookie. The split(“; “) method can be used to accomplish this, dividing the cookies into an array of strings:
let cookiesArray = document.cookie.split("; ");
- Finding a Specific Cookie: Using the split(“=”) method, iterate through the array of cookies and further separate each cookie string into a name and value pair. Verify that the name matches the intended cookie name:
function getCookie(name) {
let cookiesArray = document.cookie.split("; ");
for (let i = 0; i < cookiesArray.length; i++) {
let cookiePair = cookiesArray[i].split("=");
if (cookiePair[0] === name) {
return decodeURIComponent(cookiePair[1]);
return null;
- Using the function: To find the value of a particular cookie, use the getCookie function:
let username = getCookie("username");
console.log(username); // Output: JohnDoe
- Handling URL Encoding: Cookies may include URL-encoded special characters. These characters are decoded using the decodeURIComponent function, which guarantees that the cookie value you receive is accurate.
You can effectively read and use cookies in your web application in this way. Cookies allow you to obtain session information, user preferences, and other useful data that improve the user experience. Maintaining state and offering a smooth, customized user experience across various sessions and page loads depend on properly parsing and reading cookies.
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