How to Use Definitions, Quotations, and Citations

To start practicing this, first understand what exactly it is: HTML5: Understanding Elements.

Continuation of Understanding Elements

Citations, Quotations, and Definitions:

How to Use Definitions, Quotations, and Citations: To show content in an HTML format that differs from the standard text, use citations. Normally, the text that is inserted into the citation element is shown in italics. Quoting an author’s words or comments usually requires a citation. An opening <CITE> tag and a closing </CITE> tag define the citation element.

To cite a specific passage inside quotation marks, use the quotation tag. You should be aware that when you quote someone else’s words in your writing, you must enclose the quote marks. The quotation tag starts with an opening <Q> tag and ends with a closing </Q> tag.

A list of terms definitions can be found in the definition element. The following three tags make up the definition tag:

  • DL: Stands for definition list, which is used to indicate how many definitions there are.
  • DT: Defines terms within a definition.
  • DD: Indicates the terms’ definitions.

The attributes for the definition, quotation, and citation tags are listed in the table below:

classspecifies the name of the element
dirspecifies the direction of the paragraph written from left to right or from right to left
idspecifies the value of the id
langspecifies the language in which the paragraph is written
stylespecifies the inline style of the element
titleprovides extra information about the element
Onclickacts on a mouse click
Ondblclickacts on a double-click
Onmousedownacts by pressing a mouse button
Onmousemoveacts on the movement of the mouse pointer
Onmouseoutperforms an action when the mouse pointer moves out of the element
Onmouseoverperforms an action when the mouse pointer moves over the element
Onmouseupperforms an action when the mouse button is released
Onkeydownacts on pressing a key
Onkeypressperforms an action when the mouse is clicked and released
Onkeyupperforms an action when a key id released
Table 1 – List of Attribute for the Citation, Quotation, and Definition Elements
Working with Citation, Quotation and Definition

HTML includes a variety of components that allow you to display text in the form of citations, quotations, and definitions. To further understand how to use the citation element, let us construct an HTML file called CQD.html file. The code for this file is shown below:

Figure 1 – Displaying the Output of CQD.html file

To further understand how to utilize the Quotation element, create an HTML file called CQD1.html. The code for this preceding file is shown below:

Figure 2 – Displaying the Output of CQD1.html file

To further understand how to utilize the Definition element, create an HTML file called CQD2.html. The code for this preceding file is shown below:

Figure 3 – Displaying the Output of CQD2.html file

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