Understanding Line Breaks and Bringing Out the Solution

To start practicing this, first understand what exactly it is: HTML5: Understanding Elements.

Continuation of Understanding Element:

It may be necessary to include a link break at specific points in your text. For example, while writing an address, you will need a line break. We require a break after each line of the address. Please keep in mind that line breaks do not constitute a new paragraph. They are solely used for breaking a continuous line. The BR element is used in HTML to indicate a link break. Understanding Line Breaks and Bringing Out the Solution:

classDefines the class name of the element
idDefines the value of the id
styleDefines the inline style of the element
titleProvides extra information about the element
Table 8.1 – List of the BR Elements
Working with Line Breaks

Line breaks are essential when you want to continue your writing on the next line. To further understand how to use the line break element, let us construct an HTML file called line-break.html. Below is the code for the file line-break.html.

In the above code, we initially provided an address without the BR element before providing the same address with the BR element. Figure 8.1 depicts the output of above code.

Figure 8.1 – Displaying the output of using Line Break

Figure 8.1 shows that the address without the BR element is displayed on a single line, with no line breaks. You can also see that each line is separated by a link break. In other words, each component of an address is listed on a distinct line.

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