How to make use of pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements in CSS? Using CSS pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements, you can style elements according to their content, position, or state without requiring further HTML or JavaScript.
- Specific states of elements are targeted by pseudo-classes (:). For example, :hover targets a mouse hover, :focus targets an element in focus, and :nth-child() selects items based on their order in a parent. They support dynamic element styling according to document structure or user interaction.
- Pseudo-elements (::) target portions of an element, like ::before and ::after, which put material before or after an element, or ::first-line and ::first-letter, which style part of the text.
In order to create dynamic and visually appealing web designs without changing the document structure, both are necessary.
Exploring the Pseudo-Classes
Without changing the HTML structure, developers can apply styles based on user interactions or situations by using pseudo-classes in CSS to define the specific states of elements. This is an in-depth investigation:
Structural Pseudo-Classes
These enable styling based on the relationship or position of the element in the DOM structure.
- :nth-child(n)
- Target elements according to their order within a parent.
- n can be a number, keyword (odd or even), or formula (2n+1).
- Example:
li:nth-child(2) { color: red; }
- :nth-of-type(n)
- Though it only counts elements of the same type, it is similar to the :nth-child.
- Example:
p:nth-of-type(odd) { font-weight: bold; }
- :first-child and :last-child
- Select the first or last child of a parent.
- Example:
div:first-child { background: yellow; }
- :first-of-type and :last-of-type
- Select the first or last element of a specific type.
- Example:
h1:first-of-type { text-transform: uppercase; }
- :only-child and :only-of-type
- Select elements that are the sole child or sole type within a parent.
- Example:
p:only-child { font-size: 20px; }
- :empty
- Select elements with no children (including text nodes).
- Example:
div:empty { display: none; }
User Interaction Pseudo-Classes
These change styles based on user actions.
- :hover
- When the mouse pointer is over an element, it styles it.
- Example:
button:hover { background-color: blue; }
- :focus
- Target elements in focus (e.g., clicked or tabbed into).
- Example:
input:focus { border: 2px solid green; }
- :active
- Applies styles when an element is activated (e.g., during a mouse click).
- Example:
a:active { color: red; }
- :visited and :link
- Styles URLs visited are indicated by the notation :visited.
- :link: Displays links that have not yet been visited.
- Example:
a:link { color: blue; }
a:visited { color: purple; }
- :target
- styles an element that matches the URL fragment. (e.g., #section1).
- Example:
#section1:target { background: lightyellow; }
Form-Related Pseudo-Classes
These are specific to form elements.
- :checked
- selects checked radio buttons or checkboxes.
- Example:
input:checked { outline: 2px solid red; }
- :disabled and :enabled
- :disabled: Targets form elements that are disabled.
- :enabled: Identifies activated form elements.
- Example:
input:disabled { background: grey; }
- :required and :optional
- Required: Select the required fields on the form.
- :optional: Selects available fields.
- Example:
input:required { border: 1px solid red; }
- :valid and :invalid
- Form fields with valid input are targeted by :valid.
- Fields with incorrect input are targeted by :invalid.
- Example:
input:invalid { background: pink; }
- :in-range and :out-of-range
- focuses on input fields that contain values that fall inside or outside of the permitted range.
- Example:
input:out-of-range { border-color: orange; }
Negation and Logical Pseudo-Classes
- :not(selector)
- chooses every element that does not fit the selector.
- Example:
div:not(.active) { opacity: 0.5; }
- :is(selector) and :where(selector)
- Make writing complicated selectors simpler.
- Whereas :where has 0 specificity, :is has normal specificity.
- Example:
:is(h1, h2, h3) { color: blue; }
UI Element States
- :read-only and :read-write
- focuses on either editable or read-only form fields.
- Example:
input:read-only { background-color: lightgray; }
- :placeholder-shown
- chooses the input fields that display the placeholder text.
- Example:
input:placeholder-shown { color: gray; }
- :default
- Targets the default element of the form (e.g., default submit button).
- Example:
button:default { border: 2px solid blue; }
Dynamic Pseudo-Classes
- :root
- matches to the root element of the document (usually <html>).
- Example:
:root { --main-color: #333; }
- :lang(language)
- matches elements that have a particular language property.
- Example:
p:lang(en) { font-style: italic; }
:target Pseudo-Class
In the current URL, the element that matches the fragment identifier (the portion of the URL that comes after the #) is styled using the :target pseudo-class. When surfing through anchor links, this is frequently used to highlight particular portions or in single-page websites.
How It Works:
The :target pseudo-class will choose the element with the matching id=”section1″ when a URL with a fragment identifier (for instance, is accessed.
:lang(language) Pseudo-Class
The inherited language from a parent element or the element’s lang attribute can be used to style elements using the :lang() pseudo-class. Applying styles to material in several languages is much easier using this.
How It Works:
The browser determines if an element or its antecedents fit the language given in the :lang() pseudo-class by looking at the lang property.
- :target and :lang() are both effective methods for enhancing user experience in particular situations.
- Using URL fragments as a basis, the :target pseudo-class dynamically styles components.
- Multilingual content can be made more usable by customizing styles for various languages using the :lang() pseudo-class.
You may precisely create dynamic, responsive, and visually appealing designs with additional HTML by utilizing these pseudo-classes.
Exploring the Pseudo-Elements
With CSS pseudo-elements, you can target particular text passages or insert content to design particular parts of an element. Although the single-colon syntax (:) may be supported by earlier browsers, they are defined with a double colon (::). This is a thorough examination of pseudo-elements:
Key Pseudo-Elements in CSS
- ::before
- Content is inserted before an element’s actual content by the ::before pseudo-element.
- Syntax:
element::before {
content: 'text';
/* Additional styles */
- ::after
- Content is inserted after an element’s actual content by the ::after pseudo-element.
- Syntax:
element::after {
content: 'text';
/* Additional styles */
- ::first-line
- The first line of text inside a block-level element is targeted and styled by the ::first-line pseudo-element.
- Syntax:
element::first-line {
/* Limited styles */
- ::first-letter
- In a block-level element, the ::first-letter pseudo-element targets the first letter of the first line of text.
- Syntax:
element::first-letter {
/* Limited styles */
- ::placeholder
- The form inputs’ placeholder text is styled by the ::placeholder pseudo-element.
- Syntax:
input::placeholder {
color: gray;
font-style: italic;
Special Notes
- Content Property for ::before and ::after:
- These pseudo-elements must have the content property.
- It can take attr() values, text, or URLs (url()).
- Example:
a::after {
content: ' (external link)';
- Stacking Context:
- Since pseudo-elements establish a new stacking context, z-index can be used to layer them.
- Combining Pseudo-Elements and Classes:
- For more dynamic styling, pseudo-elements and pseudo-classes can be combined:
a:hover::after {
content: ' (hovered)';
color: orange;
- Browser Compatibility:
- For contemporary browsers, use the double-colon syntax (::).
- Legacy support is provided by the single-colon syntax (:) (:before, :after).
Key Takeaways
- Pseudo-elements aid in the manipulation of particular textual or contentual elements.
- By permitting both ornamental and practical styling, they improve user interface design.
- For more precise control, they are used with classes, IDs, or pseudo-classes.
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